On a Most Haunted Experience event we use various pieces of equipment to help us in our quest to communicate with spirits. I thought it might be useful to tell you what some if them are and how they work.
1. Ouija board - this is a piece of board with letters and numbers and other signs around its edge which is used with a planchette or upturned glass to answer questions during a seance.
2. K2 meter or EMF meter - this small black box detects and shows electromagnetic energy by way of coloured lights. It is thought that spirits produce electromagnetic energy.
3. Dousing rods - usually 2 L shaped rods that are held loosely and asked to move in answer to questions. Can also be used to detect and locate things such as water, metals etc.
4. Temperature gun - does what it says. Can be useful for detecting hot and cold spots.
5. Cat balls - originally sold as a cat toy these are motion sensored balls that light up when moved or touched.
6. REM pods - this is a small box with an antenna that emits an electromagnetic field and when this field is broken (ie entered into) it will make a noise and/or light up.
Human Pendulum - This is where the team gather our ghost hunters into a circle. We call out to Spirit asking the Spirit to choose someone in the circle to work with by pushing them gently to show its them they wish to communicate through. That guest then enters the circle, standing firm with eyes closed and we ask yes and no questions. Forward for yes, backwards for No for example. The team will look after our guest in the circle to balance them and stop them from falling.
It's a great way of communicating.
You are not being possessed although it can feel draining afterwards.
Table tipping - As it says on the tin.
We gather around a table and lightly put our fingers on the table. We ask for spirits to move or vibrate the table in answer to our questions. It's a fantastic tool.
Some teams also carry teddy bears which are basically either K2s, REM pods or Cat Balls within a teddy.
While all of these pieces of equipment can be useful, the best thing we can use is our senses. You may experience a strange smell, a funny taste, hear something such as a voice or a whistle, be lucky enough to see something like a shadow or lights or feel something touch you. Often images or names can pop into our heads for no apparent reason and this should also be noted.
On any experiment it is your choice if you participate or not.
It's absolutely fine to watch or to go into a different room etc. Getting involved is good and can be extremely exciting and informative.
Keeping an open mind is always very important and make sure you debunk as much as possible. Remember though, if you can't debunk it, it might just be paranormal!