As a member of the MHE team I'm very lucky to have visited lots of haunted locations and am often asked by our guests "What is your favourite location?" or "What is the best evidence of the paranormal that you have experienced?"
These are both really hard questions to answer as it changes almost every week, depending on what my latest experiences are.
I do keep a written log of each ghost hunt that I go on which I find really useful. Not only can I go back and check if the information we receive is being repeated from previous visits, but I can also see how much more activity we get the more times we return to a specific location. I've noticed that the more events we do at a particular venue, the more we have communication from previously visited "spirits" on the ouija board alongside more activity in general.
Of course, this isn't always the case and activity can't be guaranteed and on some nights it's just simply quiet.
Having said all of this, I must say that Dorchester prison remains one of my favourites and is the place where I think, as a team, we captured our best evidence of the paranormal yet by way if a video/photo that none of us could explain. Have a look at the photo taken by Nicky Walker, one of my fellow team members.