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The Commandery Worcester last weekend

Writer's picture: Sharon MaddicottSharon Maddicott

What a night at The Commandery Worcester

After almost 5 1/2 hours drive Piers and myself finally arrived at the commandery in Worcester (should’ve of only taken us 2 1/2 hours). It was lovely to be met by two of our amazing Team mates Carrie and Nikki, who had both been to this venue once before. We were then greeted by 2 lovely members of the Commandery team, who you could tell straightaway were very proud of this building and the history behind it. Walking into the building, I could not believe just how beautiful and atmospheric it felt. Pairs and myself had a quick tour of the site it went on forever, room after room after room and all of it just as fascinating and beautiful as before. Karl and Stuart arrived before the guests and also had a good look around as they has not been here before although Karl did feel he recognised it.

At 8:40, we open the gates and let all the guest in, there was a real mix of faces we already knew, as well as some newbies at add to the mix.

After a very quick welcoming talk and health and safety chat we cracked on with the nights investigation. Split into two teams myself and Nikki, Piers and Carrie. Our team went into the new part of the building first, we did our kit talk had lots of laughs, which is always a great way of building up the energy. We have placed a rem pod by one of the doors and as we went around introducing ourselves suddenly just after one of our guests he was the last one to say his name, the rem pod went off almost as if to say I’m here as well. We did try to re-create it but sadly it didn’t go off the second time. We did a bit more calling out and a couple of times. We thought we had some very faint taps back, but also we had temperature changes going on with the rem pod. Just then Karl and Stuart came to join us, after a little chat we started calling out again. One of our guests knocked on the door asking for it to copy. And we did have Knocks back he asked again and again there was a copy of Knocks. This happened a few times, but each time the knocks that came back seem to be in a different place in the room but always in the floor. Karl called out and asked for the spirit to copy his Knocks, but there was no response then another guest asked if it could copy her Knocks instantly there was Knocks back. We went around the room sometimes we had responses and sometimes we didn’t for some reason the spirit did not want to Karl, Stuart and another gentleman but was happy to respond to everyone else . Through the knocking we found out he was a monk that lived there, he was happy for us to be here and he was playing games with only responding to certain people. But as often when we get this sort of activity suddenly it all stopped. We said a Thank you and moved on to different areas in the venue.

Later on Down by the Canon we had lots of activity on the K2’s green flashy boxes, seem to be responding to questions when asked. The spirit didn’t seem to like it when we referred to them as spirit I asked are you male? Are you female? It responded to female I asked if they minded us calling them sweetheart and they seem to be happy with this so that’s what we referred to this sprit as. I also placed a small mag light on the floor next to one of the K2’s that was going off. We asked the spirit sweetheart if she could turn the torch on for us. Which she did and then off again. Some of the guest believed this was a young girl talking to us. A child. We said to her that if she could lite our touch again , we would clap for her to show us show her appreciation. She seem to like this game and it went on for quite awhile. We asked her if she was a child she agreed and told us she was six years old. As we were confirming her age suddenly there was a noise almost like a growl and one of our guests jumped very high as it happened right behind her. Instantly, the K2 is and the mag light stopped. It was like whatever had made that noise had put an end to us talking to the little girl.

some of our guests then did some table tipping in the same area. They believed they were talking to a gentleman possibly the dad of the little girl but this was not confirmed, but the table was definitely rocking and moving around the room.

During break we listen back to the growl as two different guests had managed to record it actually to me sounded like somebody was agreeing and saying yes but in a very deep stretched out manner.

During the second half of the evening, we didn’t have quite so much activity, we did have a spirit come through called Edward though a human Pendulum who just wanted to move on with his family.

All in all it was a fantastic night and I for one can’t wait to get back to this venue. Not just to do an investigation but I would also like to take time out and go during the day and really explored the site. It is an amazing place and if you get the chance you really should go a look around yourselfs

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