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Top Tips and Questions

Matthew Hallam

Whether you are new to ghost hunting or you’ve joined us on many events and are now looking for new ways to communicate with spirits, our amazing guests have put together the following suggestions.

Top tips:

  1. Introduce yourself and share something about yourself- the more you know about someone the more comfortable you can be around them. It’s the same with spirits!

  2. Remember- there is no reason to be embarrassed or shy when speaking to spirits, they are just humans that now reside in a different realm.

  3. Speak to them like you’re a friend and, remember, a stranger is just a friend you haven’t met yet!

  4. Give them time to respond- some spirits need to build their energy.

  5. Leave times for silence.

  6. If you are asking a ‘yes/no’ question, keep it to one question at a time.

  7. Remember that spirits respond to different voices and due to their life experiences, some will prefer to communicate with men/women/certain accents etc.

  8. Always thank the spirits, even if it seems like they haven’t communicated. They might have been trying their hardest but we just haven’t picked up on it.

Top questions:

  1. Do you choose to be here?

  2. Can you move from place to place?

  3. Are you connected to the building or the land and what was here before it?

  4. Are you with loved ones?

  5. Do we entertain you?

  6. Doesn’t make you sad that we can’t always see you?

  7. Are you an adult or a child?

  8. Can you spell or do you need to just use ‘yes’ and ‘no’ on the Ouija board? (Might also be worth reassuring them that they don’t need to be embarrassed if they can’t- remember that there were times when most of the population weren’t educated)

  9. Do you know you are dead? (Warning with this one- this can be quite shocking to some of them if they didn’t know until you told them and we’ve had experiences where the mood changes suddenly after this question…maybe asking “are you alive?” is a softer way of finding out if they know they have passed)

  10. What is it like on the other side?

  11. What was the first thing you saw when you passed?

  12. Can you see us or just hear us?

  13. Can you tap out how many living people there are in this room?

  14. What year is it now?

  15. What year did you pass?

  16. Are you comfortable with us being here?

  17. Did you enjoy your time working/living here?

  18. Can you please give us a sign for how you wish to communicate with us?

  19. Can you copy this whistle?

  20. Can you see our futures?

Let us know if any of the above work well for you! 👻

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